Accounting & Bookkeeping


Accounting & Bookkeeping

Accounting Services For Business in Malaysia

Take a step to the dynamic approach to your accounting and finance needs. Our accounting services will keep your account neat, simple and accurate
SQL - The Best Accounting Services in Malaysia

Trusted by more than 210000 companies, We are offering you Malaysia’s number 1 accounting software to automate your financial activities in the regional office, Malaysia. SQL is suitable for both small and large organizations as it’s an online computing software that can be operated from offshore. With its enhanced accounting service performance, zero human error and stability, you can rely on to choose it any day. With wide ranges of functions includes data collection and analysis, accurate reporting formats, inventory maintenance, and SST processing, no financial material will be missed by any chance

General Ledger

Powerful yet easy to manage accounting ledger to track your company’s accounting records

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Get connected to your customers easily. Flexible and customizable customer data entry, Advance Credit Limit & Credit Control, Fast-entry multiple invoices in a single interface and many more modules to manage.
Sales & Purchase
Sales and Purchase are more accurate when the cost-profit estimator and predictions are more based on facts. An array of features like; Profit Estimator, Partial delivery with backorder reports, Multiple Pricing & AI selling price assignment, View Top selling product & customer, Comprehensive and Customisable report format, Whatsapp Integration and many more.
Manage and keep your supply chain in check along with accounting services. Bank Giro function for all banks, An array of features like; fast entry for multiple invoices, flexible aging formula setting, advance credit limit & credit control, auto knock off-invoice after payment, post-date cheque and bounced cheque management, and many more!
Get to know and manage your stock availability effortlessly. Features like Smart automate stock reorder advice, Multiple Warehouse Management, Multiple UOM, Unlimited stock category, Barcode Generation and many more.
Virtual Assistant Malaysia

You can hire a professional virtual assistant in Malaysia additionally from our team to keep a closer look at the accounting operation in the regional area.